We're saying goodbye to 3G
Last updated 01 Mar 2024
Farewell 3G! Zero1 is shifting to a fully 4G and 5G network
Singapore’s 3G services will be retired on 31 July 2024 in view of advancements in the mobile communication space where 3G has been largely replaced by 4G and 5G. This is in line with the statement from the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), which mentioned that the move will allow 5G to “provide a better experience for users and support enterprises undergoing digital transformation”.
After 31 July 2024, if you continue to use a 3G device, you will not be able to make or receive calls, send and receive texts, or use data services. If you use a 4G non-VoLTE device, you will no longer be able to make or receive calls.
Do upgrade to a 4G VoLTE, or 5G phone if you do not have a compatible mobile device.
1. Check if you're using a 3G mobile phone
You will see a 3G or H+ network bar in the top-right corner of your phone screen all the time.

2. Check if your 4G mobile phone supports VoLTE
From your phone’s settings, access ‘Mobile networks’, and look for the VoLTE option. Your device may not support VoLTE if the option does not exist.
You can also check the list of compatible mobile devices or check with your device manufacturer for further verifications.

3. Upgrade to a 4G or 5G mobile phone with Zero1
If you’re on an older, incompatible mobile phone, you would need to switch to a new phone to make calls, send text, or use data services. You can consider getting an OPPO phone bundle for your upgrade.
General FAQ
What does the 3G closure mean?
All mobile operators in Singapore are targeting to stop providing 3G services on 31 July 2024. This means that voice calls, SMS and mobile data on 3G will not be available, including certain emergency services.
Please upgrade your phone to enjoy full connectivity.
Do all 4G phones support VoLTE?
Not all 4G phones support VoLTE and your call services will be impacted if your device does not support VoLTE.
You can check here for the list of compatible phones.
Would Zero1 support VoLTE?
Yes! Zero1 will provide VoLTE services for you without additional cost.
VoLTE provides high-quality voice calls, faster call setup times, multi-tasking capabilities, better coverage, and enhanced features.
Is a SIM card change required?
Our SIM cards are all 4G enabled and there is no need for you to change your SIM cards.
Having issues?
We are happy to help, just message us on Facebook or send us an email at should you encounter any challenges.
More information
Zero1 develops life solutions by making it #AllAbout you, ensuring that you receive #OnlyTheBest that we have to offer and striving to help you live your life with #ZeroLimits.
Zero1 is a licensed Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) that provide a number of mobile plans with unlimited data. Do check out our other offerings on the Zero1 website today.
What's the reason to shut down 3G?
Singapore introduced 3G in 2005 and 4G in the 2012. Since the launch of 5G in 2022, 99% of mobile users in Singapore have adopted 4G or 5G while the number of 3G users continue to drop.
In line with the statement from Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), more bandwidth becomes available for investing in 5G as 3G networks retire, providing a superior experience for users and supporting businesses in their digital transformation journey.