A guide on
How to enroll in Zero1 CIS programme
Last updated 11 Aug 2023

What is the Corporate Individual Scheme (CIS)?
Zero1’s Corporate Individual Scheme (CIS) is an exclusive programme offered to staff of participating companies. With this scheme, employees get to enjoy exclusive deals when they register for Zero1 services as a corporate individual.
Enrolling into the Zero1 CIS programme
You may enroll for the programme through our online CIS Application Form. Alternatively, you may apply for the programme through our mobile app through the CIS icon. We will process your application within 3 working days.
Once approved, staff of participating companies are required to sign up for the exclusive mobile plans through the mobile app.
CIS Application Form
Do provide your details to us to enroll in the programme.
Having issues?
We are happy to help, just send us an email at cis@zero1.sg should you encounter any challenges.
More information
Zero1 develops life solutions by making it #AllAboutYou, ensuring that you receive #OnlyTheBest of what we can offer.
Zero1 is a licensed Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) that provides a number of mobile plans with all your connectivity needs. Do check out our other offerings on the Zero1 website today.
What are the benefits of CIS?
Staff of participating companies are eligible for mobile plans offered at an exclusive rate.
Sign up for our mobile plans via the Zero1 mobile app by following this guide.